[i][b]Property Rights Protection by Means of Principal Intervention[/b][/i]
Journal Title: Krytyka Prawa. Niezależne studia nad prawem - Year 2009, Vol 1, Issue 1
This article is about the protection of property by means of institutional processes of principal intervention. In practice, this institution is not utilised very effectively, even though it could, in many cases, fulfil its role appropriately and consequently support the protection of property rights. The article points out the possibility of facilitating and accelerating the system of justice when principal intervention is reported. The question of the influence of suspending the intervention conflict on the course of the fundamental case is further elaborated. No detailed queries are analysed in the article, however, a general premise concerning the admission of principal intervention is outlined and the formal and content-based requirements of an intervention claim are indicated. The article also emphasises the meaning of the regulations concerning the courts, the jurisdiction of the country and subject-matter jurisdiction in case of applying the process instrument in the form on principal intervention.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Wiśniewski
Międzynarodowe standardy regulacji lobbingu (UE, CE, OECD, CIS)
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