ID Does Not Address Religious Claims About the Supernatural

Journal Title: Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy - Year 2010, Vol 7, Issue 0


Intelligent design theory (ID) is an alternative – to Darwinism – explanation of the origin of life on earth, according to which life is unexplainable without invoking an intelligent designer as its cause. From the point of view of its founders and advocates, it is a scientific theory. Critics, however, object that ID theory speaks of supernatural designer and thus it is a veiled form of creationism which is believed to be a religious doctrine. Author answers this objection indicating that ID theory respects scientific criteria – especially methodological naturalism and empirical grounding of conclusions – and that it cannot be classified as a form of creationism due to fact that it does not address religious claims about the supernatural. ID theorists’ research are natural objects and they conduct research using knowledge about the effects of actions of intelligent beings. In this way they try to inquire whether the action of some intelligent cause is responsible for the existence of natural objects. Author argues that ID theory cannot determine the nature of the potential designer of such objects if it want to stay within the bounds of scientific investigations. The identification of the designer is impossible in the light of presently accumulated evidence which, according to ID theorists, indicate just that the origin of certain biological structures required involvement of some closer unidentified intelligence. Many ID advocates, such as Michael Behe or Phillip Johnson, identify the designer with Christian God, but making a proviso that this conclusion is not a logical consequence of ID theory and that it is only their personal belief. Furthermore, they argue that ID theory is compatible with many worldviews, not only with Christian one, and that it must not assume that the designer is a supernatural being.

Authors and Affiliations

Casey Luskin


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How To Cite

Casey Luskin (2010). ID Does Not Address Religious Claims About the Supernatural. Filozoficzne Aspekty Genezy, 7(0), 93-116.