The article presents a study concerning the relations between identity formation processes as theorized by Luyckx and colleagues (2008) and the formation of self-authoring personality according to Obuchowski (2011). The...
The article presents an attempt at an empirical analysis of the relation between self-concept differentiation and the sense of identity. Patricia Linville's concept of self-complexity and a multidimensional approach to...
Jerzy Brzeziński presented many important problems that should provoke community debate on psychological research practices in Poland. In the present article, a few other problems are dis-cussed: (1) first, elitism and a...
Celem badania była analiza roli cech z pięcioczynnikowego modelu osobowości (PMO; Wielka Piątka) oraz poczucia skuteczności jako predyktorów efektywności działania przedsiębiorcy w przypadku rozpoczynających działalność...
The paper is aimed at finding answers to the following questions: (1) Is there empirical evidence for the psychoanalytic concept of transference? (2) Is there empirical evidence for the usefulness of working with transfe...
EP ID EP126155
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How To Cite
Maria Jarymowicz (2013). Ideały jako regulatory funkcjonowania: złożoność ja-idealnego a przejawy postaw społecznych. Roczniki Psychologiczne, 16(2),
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Personal Identity Formation Processes and the Characteristics of Self-Authoring Personality
The article presents a study concerning the relations between identity formation processes as theorized by Luyckx and colleagues (2008) and the formation of self-authoring personality according to Obuchowski (2011). The...
Self-Complexity and the Sense of Identity
The article presents an attempt at an empirical analysis of the relation between self-concept differentiation and the sense of identity. Patricia Linville's concept of self-complexity and a multidimensional approach to...
What do We Think About and What do We Not Think About?
Jerzy Brzeziński presented many important problems that should provoke community debate on psychological research practices in Poland. In the present article, a few other problems are dis-cussed: (1) first, elitism and a...
Cechy osobowości oraz poczucie własnej skuteczności jako predyktory efektywności działania przedsiębiorców: badanie podłużne
Celem badania była analiza roli cech z pięcioczynnikowego modelu osobowości (PMO; Wielka Piątka) oraz poczucia skuteczności jako predyktorów efektywności działania przedsiębiorcy w przypadku rozpoczynających działalność...
Transference and its Usefulness in Psychotherapy in the Light of Empirical Evidence
The paper is aimed at finding answers to the following questions: (1) Is there empirical evidence for the psychoanalytic concept of transference? (2) Is there empirical evidence for the usefulness of working with transfe...