Identification of Artificially Ripened Fruits using MATLAB
Journal Title: International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development - Year 2020, Vol 4, Issue 6
Better health is central to human happiness and well being. Eating ripened fruits gives the good health. People intake a lot of fruits to remain fit. Fruits contain important vitamin, minerals and also fibre. Ripening is the process in fruits that causes them to become more palatable and sweeter. Nowadays, fruits available in the market are mostly artificially ripened. Various types of chemicals are used to ripen the fruits artificially like calcium carbide, which is extremely hazardous to health. It causes health issues like diarrhea, general weakness, vomiting. But with human eye observation, it is difficult to find out artificially ripened fruits. To identify the artificially ripened fruits, we have design a software using MATLAB. It gets an input image of fruit under test and compares the features histogram values with naturally ripened one and detects fruits which are ripened artificially. In this method, the image processing is executed to detect the artificially ripened fruits. Captured images are inputs to an image processing unit. The image is processed and compared with a standard image to display whether the fruit is artificially ripened or not. Miss. Nikita S. Hatmode | Prof. Mangeshwar. N. Thakare "Identification of Artificially Ripened Fruits using MATLAB" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-4 | Issue-6 , October 2020, URL: Paper Url:
Authors and Affiliations
Miss. Nikita S. Hatmode
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