Identification of the desired competencies of employees on the example of the airline industry companies in Bielsko-Biała region – part II
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2016, Vol 30, Issue 2
The article tells about desired competences among employees on the example of companies in aviation industry in Bielsko-Biała region. The introduction shows ratings of competences presented in different views of literature by specified authors. Further part of dissertation presents results of empirical research carried out by the end of 2014. The aim of research was to collect information on desired competences which are most often indicated by the employees who are not in management position in aviation industry and compare them with results of the first stage of research (executives). Subject research were companies of aviation industry. As a research tool questionnaire has been used. Results indicate high score, given by the staff in non-management position, related to education, profession needed on the market and professional experience. Tested respondents also pointed out features/abilities which are most useful in professional work, these mainly include systematic approach and diligence. The compiled results from part I and II of the elaboration shows that tested respondents differently evaluate competences within their usefulness in professional work. As a consequence there is an increasing number of people who do not have appropriate competence to perform specific tasks in the workplace.
Authors and Affiliations
Janusz Berek
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