Identifying Stress Factors And Need Of School Counsellers For Senior Secondary Grade Students
Journal Title: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention - Year 2018, Vol 7, Issue 11
Being alive necessitates coping with life stresses. stress is an indispensable part of modern day living. Hence, the present study is aimed at examining the experience of student stress factors with administering the student stress scale to students in various aspects regarding financial, family, social, Education, Ego threat, personal set back and health and to identify the need of school counsellors for senior secondary grade students. In this regard, the data was collected from 92 students (boys= 37; girls= 55) by using student’s stress scale ( ManjuAgarwal, 2012). The scale consists of 64 life events comprises to nine major categories that have to be rated on a seven point rating scale. It was observed from the results that male adolescents are more significantly differed on financial related stress (Mean= 21.97, p≤.05) than female. With regard to medium, Telugu medium students experienced more finance related stress in terms of when compare with English medium students. No significance differences were found on type of school and no. of dependent on income and also no significant means differences on various dimension of student stress scale.
Authors and Affiliations
Subhashiniakurath . , Prof. Mvrraju
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