Identity as a Subject of Practical Philosophy

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1


Last years in the world is accelerated the process of substitution of old technologies on modern, related first of all to renewal energy and artificial intelligence that unavoidable will result in revolution in public relations and to the cardinal changes in an identity. Restructuring of identity conduces to the changes of practical orientations of actors, to rethinking by them of their own in the world and mutual relation with others. Anthropic principle of science marks, except other, that any system by the way of referent processes tries to self-organized with the aim of self-preservation and supposes existence of Observer. At the level of living systems the code of DNA provides the identity of organism. In public life an identity is one of factor of self-regulation of mutual relations of individuals in the context of public environment. During the history of mankind an identity becomes more and more complicated and is the factor of self-organization of public relations. The concept of identity begins to be formed yet from ancient society, beginning from «axial time» and origin of reflexive moral (Socrates, Aristotle, Confucius, Buddha and others); this process proceeds in philosophy of New time and in classic German Philosophy as a concept of reflexive spirit, transcendental apperception, reflexive consciousness; the marked phenomena were examined as a matter of fact as an internal living mechanism of self-constructing of identity (R.Descartes, T.Hobbes, P.Gassendi, I.Kant, Y.Fichte, G.Hegel). Y.Habermas, leaning on L.Kohlberg, E.Erikson and J.Piaget, bound the level of development of identity to the levels and stages of development of moral consciousness. Thinkers and representatives of practical philosophy of end of XX – of beginning of XXI centuries (K.Wilber, F.Laloux and other) discover and investigate the new types of the plural humanized identity in the conditions of modern technological and socio-organizational innovations.

Authors and Affiliations

Yaroslav Lyubiviy


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How To Cite

Yaroslav Lyubiviy (2018). Identity as a Subject of Practical Philosophy. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(1), 3-23.