Ideological Control in Public and Business Organizations
Journal Title: Nowoczesne systemy zarządzania - Year 2017, Vol 12, Issue 2
Control is the fundamental function of management, but companies due to the increasingly turbulent environment and public organizations because of purposes ambiguity have to seek more flexible forms of control aimed at self-control. Thus, both sanctions and rewards associated with the control system must be less associat-ed with factors that are external to the organizational member and more with internal stimuli associated with the inner satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. Such an option seems to offer ideological control. The paper is an analysis of ideology as an effective form of control in organizations. Therefore, the fundamental issues of the regarded ideology and control mechanisms related to it have been discussed. The direct appeal to ideology, as a fundamental element of normative control, offers the opportunity to exploit a large body of knowledge from sociology and political science in the service of organizations and management research. Ideological control as an organizational process consists of several stages. In the first stage, employees’ individual ideologies relating to the organization are modified or replaced by the ideology preferred by the organization. Replacement or modi-fication of the ideology usually is rendered by showing the way of transformation from the current criticized reality to the desired vision of the future determined by the new ideology. If members of the organization accept the criticism of the present reality and are attracted by the vision of the future determined by the ideology, they will act in accordance to this ideology. Ideology determines which actions are beneficial to the organization, and which are harmful. Therefore, an organisational actor, whose actions are consistent with the ideology, would obtain rewards, and those whose actions are illegitimate would suffer from sanctions.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Roman Andrzej Lewandowski
Sprawozdanie z VI Międzynarodowej Konferencji z serii Nowoczesne Koncepcje i Metody Zarządzania
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