Ideology of Labour Law of Ukraine: Modern Problems of Generation
Journal Title: Університетські наукові записки - Year 2016, Vol 15, Issue 3
The main problems of modern labour law ideology have been described and revealed in given scientific article, the meaning of this category for legal regulation of labour has been developed. Social, political and legal regulation basics by market economy between an employer and employee, usage of measures, provided by labour law for realization of rights and performance of duties have been analyzed by authors in given article due to new viewpoints. Utterly new opinion on the labour law ideology concept as a basic category for forming this branch and its system favours these viewpoints. Revelation of main labour law ideologemes is fulfilled by the learning of their connections with concrete legal norms systems. The meaning of ideological basics for increasing of labour law norms effectiveness has been researched also. Special emphasis has been given to salvation of problems of balancing the first possibilities of an employee in relations with employer, to strengthening of the social component within the labour law norms.
Authors and Affiliations
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UK Проаналізовано питання щодо особливостей та порядку застосування одного із заходів забезпечення кримінального провадження, а саме: тимчасового доступу до речей та документів на досудовому розслідуванні злочинів проти...