İlhanlılar İdaresinde Şîrâz (684/1286-735/1335)

Journal Title: İran Çalışmaları Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 2


City of Shiraz escaped damage of Mongol Invasıon with a little destruction. Nevertheless it was difficult to manage Shiraz because of both being away from the center and the existence of different power groups. In this regard, a multi-heade administrtation was inevitable with the Shahneh of Ilkhanids, landowners and Baskaks. Moreover, sometimes there might be up to three shahneh. For this reason, the stationary tranquility (state) was never fully established in favour of the Ilkhanids in Shiraz. In Shiraz, Ilkhands reign (1286-1335) can be reviewed in three periods. (terms) In the first period (684/1286-692/1293), Salgurid remnants was changing in short terms and managing the city of Shiraz with Shahneh of Ilkhanids jointly. Second period was the term between 692/1293-725/1325 in which Melikü’l Islam Cemaleddin and his son were at sort of dihkan position in exchange for revenues of Inju lands. Meanwhile, between the years 718/1319-730/1330, Salgurid remnants whıch are descandents of Ilkhanids and immediate relatives of Ilkhanid Dynasts were allottees of revenues of Inju lands. However this ownership had changed ın short terms. In the third period (725/1325-735/735), Injuids had dominated the city of Shiraz to a large extend, corresponding to Ilkhanid central auhority became weaker. This study is about the period in political history of Shiraz between last Salgurid administrator Abis Hatun who was discharged by Ilkhanids in 684/1286 and the death of Ebu Sad Bahadır Khan in 735/1335 who is the last Ilkhanid Emperor.

Authors and Affiliations

Akif Rençber


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  • EP ID EP466771
  • DOI 10.33201/iranian.458086
  • Views 76
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How To Cite

Akif Rençber (2018). İlhanlılar İdaresinde Şîrâz (684/1286-735/1335). İran Çalışmaları Dergisi, 2(2), 83-101.