This paper elaborates on the higher education (HE) reforms in Poland undertaken between 2007–
–2012 (The reforms of Kudrycka). In doing so it attempts to address the question: What has been the
impact of the internationa...
This article analyses how easily accessible financialised consumer credit changes the social character
of money as such. It is clear that contemporary consumer credit markets entail dangers of increasing
levels of over-i...
Contemporary political and scientific discourse on climate policy is greatly dominated by the natural
sciences, technical sciences and neoclassic economics, and to a lesser degree by psychological
behavioural insights. I...
The article discusses the processes of meaning-making which are
connected to the significance of work/employment as it intersects with the
passage of time. We focus on the narratives of young people (aged 19–34)
with a u...
The article examines ways of re-formation of the (German) middle class caused by the perception
of social (and individual) crises (in our example over-indebtedness) and associated uncertainty.
Which are the strategies th...
EP ID EP168611
Views 84
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How To Cite
Bartosz Mika (2014). Iluzja stanowego kapitalizmu. Esej o książce Marty Bucholc, 2012, Konserwatywna utopia kapitalizmu. Przegląd Socjologiczny, 63(4),
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Internacjonalizacja jako źródło legitymizacji reform szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce (2007–2012)
This paper elaborates on the higher education (HE) reforms in Poland undertaken between 2007– –2012 (The reforms of Kudrycka). In doing so it attempts to address the question: What has been the impact of the internationa...
Credit as a source of debts and wealth / Kredyt jako źródło długów i dobrobytu
This article analyses how easily accessible financialised consumer credit changes the social character of money as such. It is clear that contemporary consumer credit markets entail dangers of increasing levels of over-i...
Implikacje teorii praktyk społecznych, perspektywy wielopoziomowej i podejścia behawioralnego dla badań użytecznych w polityce klimatycznej
Contemporary political and scientific discourse on climate policy is greatly dominated by the natural sciences, technical sciences and neoclassic economics, and to a lesser degree by psychological behavioural insights. I...
The changing meanings of work among university-educated young adults from a temporal perspective / Zmieniające się znaczenia pracy wśród młodych dorosłych z wykształceniem wyższym w perspektywie temporalnej
The article discusses the processes of meaning-making which are connected to the significance of work/employment as it intersects with the passage of time. We focus on the narratives of young people (aged 19–34) with a u...
Cultural-specific dimensions of societal re-formation within the German middle class
The article examines ways of re-formation of the (German) middle class caused by the perception of social (and individual) crises (in our example over-indebtedness) and associated uncertainty. Which are the strategies th...