Image Predictions and Classifications with Certificate Secure Policy
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 4
Our social network is an add electronic service for data sharing sites. It is add service which provides a reliable communication, through this communication and new fast searching service; they can easily wrong use the data through these media. Some users affects users security on their personal contents, where some users keep on sending unrequired comments and messages by taking benefit of the users’ inherent believe in their relationship network. By this security of the user data may be loss for this issue this paper handles the most prevalent issues and threats targeting different recently. This proposes a privacy policy prediction and access restrictions along with blocking scheme for social sites using data mining techniques. To perform this, the system utilizes access policy prediction and access control mechanism by applying bayesian information criterion algorithm.
Authors and Affiliations
Darshna Umate, Roshani Katre, Sujata Vaidya, Nitesh Dhenge, Prof. Shirish Singnapure
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