İmam Hatiplerin Hadis Bilgileri ve Sünnet Algıları (Uşak İli Örneği)
Journal Title: Mevzu – Journal of Social Sciences - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 2
The imam orators perform a very important task for society. Today, it is not enough to have a high school level education and to use only traditional methods in order to carry out this task successfully. For this reason, it is imperative for the imams to have sufficient culture in religious sciences and have a culture above the average of society in order for them to perform their duties successfully and maintain their dignity in society. In this context, one of the most necessary religious sciences is the science of hadith. In recent years, the negative propaganda made against the hadiths through the media necessitates that the imam hatipers should be better equipped in the field of hadith science. Because the hadith of Hz. Muhammed are the documents that convey the Sunnah of the our Prophet to us. Rejecting the hadiths also means rejecting the circumcisions that have been accepted for fourteen centuries. Today, community members, who are the target audience of imam orators, have easy Access to information and question everything they hear. They think more rationally and expect scientific explanations, especially in the middle age and under religious issues. Information transferred from a book by reading only does not convince this segment sufficiently. It is extremely important for imam orators to receive education at the highest level, to satisfy the target audience in terms of knowledge and culture, and to lead the society outside the mosque with their projects and activities in order to meet the expectations of the target audience. In this article, information and perceptions of imam orators about hadiths and sunnah, deficiencies and expectations were tried to be determined according to the survey answers applied to 135 imam hatip in charge of Uşak province.
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