Imam Quddori and his book Mukhtasar ul Quddori


Imam Ahmad bin Muhammad Al Qudoori was born in 362 Hijri. He was highly intellectual and held a leading position among the scholars of his time, such that he had gained the place of Mujtahid of Hanafi School. He wrote many books, of which Al-Qudoori is the most famous and has the title `Leader of Books` (Imam ul Kutub) Many commentaries have been written on Al-Qudoori and the succeeding scholars who came thereafter, have all relied on Al-Qudoori. Imam Qudoori died in 428 Hijri and was buried in the house he had lived in, but was later shifted next to Abu Bakar Al-Khwarizmi`s grave.

Authors and Affiliations

Muhammad Imran


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How To Cite

Muhammad Imran (2015). Imam Quddori and his book Mukhtasar ul Quddori. The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية, 34(34), 191-203.