Imitations of post-soviet megalopolis: simulacra and hyperreality

Journal Title: ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 5


Modern megalopolises concentrate basic civilization resources and projects, but a city is not only "designer bureau", but foremost people, their perception of the world and vital strategies. Research of nature of man of megalopolis, specifics of his communication with the world of city are an actual philosophical-anthropological task, in fact exactly a man of city is a main social actor of contemporaneity. The special transformation is suffered today by postsoviet cities in the atmosphere of деидеологизации, increases of cult of consumption, to uncertainty in a morrow, general instability. Such paradox of perception of the world of townspeople, as "illusiveness" of life, is obvious. She is explained by depreciation of many base ethic spheres of life, replacement, simulacra under the dictate of commercialization of life, their imitations. Simulacra are interpreted as "products" of imitation process are in municipal "society of theatrical", creating hyperreality, distorting nature of man, defiat harmony spiritually-heartfelt and physical. Most typical imitations: imitations of love, to social activity, communication, riches and poverty. Superficial communication, intensive temporythm of cities, priority material above spiritual, the desire of rapid pleasures is created by false standards of love relations, supported in media-space and mass culture. Investigation of it existential emasculation, loneliness in crowd. Haste, hanging of labels and reflection reactions, "selection" of surroundings generate the simulacrum of communication. The cult of consumption results in the imitation of to social activity : raising character of situations of social activity takes the veritable civil feelings and actions of social protest on it is not. The simulacrum of power is obvious in perverted by imitations social institutes, demonstration of pseudoriches and pseudopoverty. Releasing from simulacra lies through actualization of personality, development of the creative beginning, public reorganization.

Authors and Affiliations

Maryna Prepotenska


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How To Cite

Maryna Prepotenska (2013). Imitations of post-soviet megalopolis: simulacra and hyperreality. ИДЕИ. ФИЛОСОФСКО СПИСАНИЕ, 5(5), 25-34.