Impact of anthropogenic factors on fauna of Carpathian tributaries of Vistula river
Journal Title: Roczniki Bieszczadzkie - Year 2011, Vol 19, Issue 1
Anthropogenic transformations of the Carpathian tributaries of Vistula are caused by water pollution, change of management type as well as technical modifications of watercourses. Decrease of quality of surface waters is caused mainly by improper communal sewage management, agricultural pollutions, deforestation of catchment area and development of tourism. Particularly important is technical development of river beds. Disturbances in species composition of fish communities observed in many drainage basins are the results of development of artificial barriers and reservoirs. The range of influence of large dam reservoirs on river ecosystem is significant and visible even several dozen kilometres from the dam. Numerous in the Carpathians small river bars cause similar changes although in smaller scale. Very important negative factor for fish population is its exploitation by people.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Kukuła, Aneta Bylak
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