Impact of Human Resources Management Practices on Employees’ Satisfaction. A Field Study on the Rajhi Cement Factory


The study aimed to analyze the impact of human resource management practices (human recourses planning, selection and appointment, rewards and motivation, training programs, and performance evaluation) on Employees’ job satisfaction on the Al-Rajhi cement factory in Jordan. The study population represents all employees working at Al-Rajhi cement factory in Jordan. Based on the number that has been determined by the factory management. (300) questionnaire were distributed, (241) questionnaires valid for statistical analysis were recovered. The researcher found that there is a statistically significant effect at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05) for each of: human recourses planning, selection and appointment, and training programs on the satisfaction of the employees in the Al-Rajhi cement factory. The researcher recommended working on the adoption of the results of the jobs analysis to make an appointment decision, where the results indicated that such practice is not at the level of high efficiency and therefore it is necessary to find the coordination between job analysis and the appointment of appropriate individuals to the nature of the work required and needed by the factory. The researcher also suggests the adoption of an analysis system of the functions, linked electronically with the human resources department to make appropriate recruitment decisions.

Authors and Affiliations

Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawari, Fawwaz Abdullah Shdefat


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  • EP ID EP178485
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARAFMS/v6-i4/2412
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How To Cite

Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawari, Fawwaz Abdullah Shdefat (2016). Impact of Human Resources Management Practices on Employees’ Satisfaction. A Field Study on the Rajhi Cement Factory. International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and Management Sciences, 6(4), 274-286.