Impact of performance budgeting on the structure of expenditure: the experiences of euro area countries

Journal Title: Optimum. Economic Studies - Year 2018, Vol 93, Issue 3


Goal – The aim of the paper is to assess to what degree the advancement in the implementation of instruments from the area of the so-called performance budgeting contributes to the rational management of public expenditure structure. Research methodology – Qualitative research based on descriptive analysis using extensive subject literature (chiefly foreign) composed of monographs, journals, scientific studies, and reports of international institutions helps the author solve research problems and achieve the paper’s objective. Among the methods used are also deductive and inductive reasoning, and comparative analysis. Qualitative studies employ the method of systemizing statistical information, based on analysis of reference statistical data, and the methodology of statistical dependence. Score – The research results show that irrespective of the detailed legal provisions introduced at the EU level under the modified Stability and Growth Pact, the decisions regarding the structure of expenditures are made on the basis of election platforms. The structure of expenditures cannot be modelled because it depends on the political decisions made in individual countries. Additionally, no impact of performance budgeting on the structure of expenditures in the euro area countries has been found. The two identified groups-spending on defense and housing policy – are rigid expenditures and cannot be part of fiscal consolidation in the short term. Uniqueness/value – Not only does the paper discuss concepts related to the models of contemporary economic processes, but it also contributes to the debate on the extent of state interference in the sector of financial institutions in the global economy. The conducted research is an original attempt to explain the mechanism of the analysed phenomenon and to illustrate its progress in the changing economic environment.

Authors and Affiliations

Marta Postuła


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  • EP ID EP500280
  • DOI 10.15290/oes.2018.03.93.12
  • Views 62
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How To Cite

Marta Postuła (2018). Impact of performance budgeting on the structure of expenditure: the experiences of euro area countries. Optimum. Economic Studies, 93(3), 143-158.