Impact of the orofacial area reflexes on infant’s speech development
Journal Title: Progress in Health Sciences - Year 2014, Vol 4, Issue 1
A child at the moment of birth has certain inborn patterns allowing it to spontaneously respond to the surrounding world and yet unknown sensations - called reflex. The most significant for speech development are reflexes of the orofacial area. The well-functioning reflexes allow the child to eat properly. The movements involved in alimentary action are reflected in the articulation of the sounds. The absence of orofacial area reflexes or their impaired integration inhibits the child’s normal speech development. It impairs motor efficiency of the articulation organs, and consequently leads to incorrect articualtion of sounds. The aim of this paper is to present the impact of orofacial reflexes on the development of alimentary functions and the development of the child's speech. The knowledge of the aforementioned subject plays a significant role in logopaedic prevention / early logopaedic intervention.
Authors and Affiliations
A Kondraciuk, S Manias, E Misiuk, B Kosztyła-Hojna, M Szczepański
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