Impact of the Salt Cavern Microclimate on Respiratory System Diseases in Elderly People
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2009, Vol 9, Issue 2
Background. The present study was conducted in order to determine whether a stay in a salt cavern can be recom-mended in the treatment of respiratory system diseases in elderly people. A detailed analysis is carried out ofthe impact of the salt cavern microclimate on exertional dyspnoea. Materiał and methods. The subjects were fifteen persons - seven women and eight men - who, on their doctors' orders, had taken baths in salt caverns between 2 and 29 January 2007. The patients took three baths a week for a total of14 baths. The mean age of the women was 65.7 years and that of the men was 66.9 years. A specially designed ąuestionnaire com-prising 23 auestions in five thematic categories was used to assess the impact of the salt cavern treatment on respiratory system diseases in the elderly people. The patients filled in the ąuestionnaire twice: before their first visit to the salt cavern on 2 January and after their last session, on 31 January 2007. Results. A four-week treatment in the salt cavern had a beneficial effect in the treatment ofthe respiratory system diseases in the elderly people. The patients noticed positive changes in the functioning of their respiratory system after an average of 5 sessions. These effects were obsen/able as milder symptoms ofthese conditions and reduced incidence of infections. Conclusions. Beneficial changes were noted in the subjects as regards the presence of breathlessness during physical activity and a reduction in the severity of dyspnoea.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Walaszek, Tadeusz Kasperczyk, Agnieszka Kaczmarek
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