Impacto de las comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población (Impact of communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population)

Journal Title: Gestiones. - Year 2023, Vol 3, Issue 1


Abstract. Introduction: This article analyzes the impact of digital communications in public institutions on the cost of living of populations in South America and the Caribbean.Methodology:thestudyhe wasquantitative,ofscopedescriptiveandthesample:percentagesofcostofdietshealthyof2018to 2020 in South America and the Caribbean.Results:thecostdailyofonediethealthy(inaverage)duringthreeyearsandbiggernodeCaribbean,withUS$0.57putdayper person, compared to South America.Conclusion: assumingthat, from 2018 to 2020, the level andfrequencyof communicationsdigital have increased due to thefactorpandemicfrom theCOVID-19,to thecontrary,thewell-beingdecreased(whythecostofonediethealthyincreased)in theAmericaSouth and the Caribbean, and this is a task on which the efforts of public institutions can be concentrated, starting now.

Authors and Affiliations

Víctor Genaro Rosales Urbano Ronny Saul Micha Point Victoria Huaylinos Gonzales Light Karen Flowers Perez Nelida Ugaz Roque Nelly Dioses Lescano


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Víctor Genaro Rosales Urbano Ronny Saul Micha Point Victoria Huaylinos Gonzales Light Karen Flowers Perez Nelida Ugaz Roque Nelly Dioses Lescano (2023). Impacto de las comunicaciones de las instituciones educativas y los gobiernos locales en el bienestar de la población (Impact of communications from educational institutions and local governments on the well-being of the population). Gestiones., 3(1), -.