Implementacja wymagań standardu DO-178C w procesie tworzenia oprogramowania awionicznego dedykowanego dla nahełmowego systemu zobrazowania SWPL-1 CYKLOP
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 214, Issue 12
The paper presents the selected results of analytical and construction works implemented in Air Force Institute of Technology in terms of possibilities of implementation of DO-178C standard requirements in the process of developing the avionic software dedicated to the SWPL-1 CYKLOP helmet-mounted imaging system, constructed in Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). In the general part of the paper, DO-178C requirements on the adopted safety level of software developed for the SWPL-1 system, were presented. In the detailed part, the methods for implementation of DO-178C requirements, applied in the development process of software for the SWPL-1 system, were discussed. On the basis of the software developed for KG-1 graphic computer, which manages operating modes of the SWPL-1 system and UDS-1 conditioning system of signals, the fullfilment of DO-178C standard requirements was illustrated.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Pazur, Jerzy Borowski, Piotr Michałowski
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