Implementation of an IOT Based Smart Chair
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 6
We present the implementation of a Smart IoT Chair system for Internet of Things (IoT) that combines an embedded device and IOT server. The proposed Smart IoT Chair records and visualizes user’s posture through a smart phone application and with the help of servo motor mechanism the users correct their unbalanced posture. It uses custom designed sensors ADXl335 accelerometer sensor, and also Node MCU and Bluetooth communication to transmit data with low-power consumption. We implemented a prototype of Smart IoT chair combing ADXL335 accelerometer, servo motors,adafruit 16channel servo driver, an Arduino, a Bluetooth module and a Node MCU. Preliminary results show that our Smart IoT Chair combined with our case-study smartphone application can accurately detect various user postures and automatically corrects the posture after some predefined delay with help of servo motor mechanism. Node MCU will keep updating data position of the chair to the adafruit server.
Authors and Affiliations
Rahul N, Dr. Baswaraj Gadgay, Veeresh Pujari
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