Implementation of Analytic Network Process Method for Decision Support System on Library Services Quality Assurance Based on ISO 9001
Journal Title: International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 0
This research proposes a model that combines Quality Management System (QMS) ISO 9001:2015 approach and Analytic Network Process method. Implementation of QMS is required to provide services oriented on customer needs that determination of Service aspect prioritization is required. The input data for Decision Support System of Library Services Quality Assurance which has been developed based on the seven principle of ISO 9001:2015 that is divided into twenty-two criteria. The input data obtained from the questionnaire related to the comparison of twenty-two criteria aspects of library services. The data is processed using ANP method to obtain priority of service aspect improvement. The process consist of : entering the criteria data into database of the system, create pairwise comparison matrix, calculate weight of the criteria, test the consistency ratio, calculate the supermatrix and rankings for each criteria that represent the priority aspects of service. Ranking from each aspect of the service is then displayed on system dashboard to simplify users to view the information. From the system which has been built found that the Procedure criteria gain highest rating thus need to prioritize for immediate evaluation and improvement action. In addition, this information system also found that Decision making based on evidence principle gain highest ranking among the seven principles of ISO 9001:2015 that made top priority in quality management of library services
Authors and Affiliations
Nishom M. , Rizal Isnanto R. , Kusworo Adi
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