Implementation of Banking Support System Using Naive Bayes Algorithm
Journal Title: International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET) - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 7
Earlier the bank had a system called Banking Support Centre(BSC). The BSC system is also called as Standard Bancs Link(SBL). The objective of this project is to allow building a low maintenance web based system that is practical and easy to use, as the clients requirements keep changing. BSS should be designed in such way that, its all core functionalities to be working as per the clients requirements. This project has been designed to support all popular browsers (IE 11, Firefox, Chrome) and supports screen sizes from 5 inch onwards. The project provides a protocol for designing building blocks called Plugins. The Plugins could then be put together as a Graph (represented as an XML) to build a specific workflow.
Authors and Affiliations
Shivam Agrawal, Prof. Christy Jackson
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