Implementation of Estonian medical insurance experience in Ukraine

Journal Title: Економічний аналіз - Year 2018, Vol 28, Issue 1


Introduction. At the current stage, the state should pay considerable attention to the development of the social sphere, including health care. Ensuring sustainable and sufficient funding for development of health care is a guarantee of the normal functioning of the economy in any country. In addition, the establishment of effective public health institutions is one of the priority tasks of any state. This is due not only to the fact that the health of the nation is important for the sustainable social and cultural development of society. It is an important determinant of the country's economic development. Purpose. The article aims to characterize and identify the key features of the functioning of the health insurance system in Estonia and to introduce Estonian experience in compulsory health insurance in Ukraine. Results. The medical insurance in Estonia and in Ukraine have been described. The effectiveness of compulsory health insurance depends on the accepted concept of insurance medicine in the country. Currently, a mixed healthcare system operates in Ukraine, with a predominant source of budget funding. At the same time, nowadays there is a private health insurance takes a negligible share in the health care system. The public health insurance of Estonia covers the cost of treatment and disease prevention, finances the purchase of a wide range of medicines and medical devices, compensates for the income not received due to temporary disability, covers the cost of treatment and prosthetics of teeth. The article reveals positive and negative tendencies in the introduction of obligatory forms of health insurance. The benefit of the Estonian health insurance system has become the following fact: the health insurance system really works and its economic efficiency. The disadvantages of the Estonian health insurance system include queues and financial vulnerabilities. It is noted that the priority task for Ukraine is the adoption of the Law of Ukraine "On Compulsory Social Health Insurance", which will be supplemented by voluntary medical insurance. It will promote the increase of social standards, improvement of the health of the nation, the living standards of each citizen and achievement of the country's economic well-being.

Authors and Affiliations

Lesia Shupa


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How To Cite

Lesia Shupa (2018). Implementation of Estonian medical insurance experience in Ukraine. Економічний аналіз, 28(1), 168-171.