Implementation of international labor standards in national legislation
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 4
The article is sanctified to the study of realization of norms of international law in a national legislation. Coming from the theory of implementing of norms of international law, the states apply the different ways of achievement of this aim. The choice of method of application of international norms in permission of public matters depends on the type of norm of international labour law. Efficiency of realization of norms of international law is shown on national level, necessary terms are indicated for such realization. In spite of universal process of globalization in many spheres of vital functions, every state is reserved by a blameless priority right for electing of concrete politics in the separately taken sphere, i.e saves the independence in the decision of domestic questions. Realization internationally of legal norms contains the great number of different elements, an important role among that belongs to the guarantees of their realization, in particular, the mechanisms of realization, order of actions, must be clearly certain, procedures and others like that. Implementing of norms of international law in a national legislation must embrace all complex of measures on realization in the state of norms of international law. The unchanging terms of implementing is conscientious implementation by the state of the international obligations in the field of labour, perfection of national right on questions of realization of international agreements and adaptation of national legislation to the international standards of labour and creation of necessary socio-economic guarantees of implementation of corresponding international norms, perfection of forms and control methods after their observance. Drawn conclusion, that internationally legal adjusting wider of concept implementing, as the last is examined as the stage, or stage of the legal adjusting, and without realization internationally the legal adjusting appears uneffective.
Authors and Affiliations
Алла Иванова, Alla Ivanova
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