Implementation of Multinomial Standard Product for RSA State Identify Algorithm


This paper presents architecture and modeling of public key RSA encryption/decryption systems. The RSA(rivest -shamir-adleman)algorithm is a secure, high quality public key algorithm.public key supports confidential and authentication methods.It supports multiple key sizes like 128 bits,256 bits,512 bits.RSA gets its security from factorization problem. The RSA encryption/decryption uses polynomial modular multiplication its makes the processing time faster and used comparatively smaller amount of space in the FPGA due to its reusability each block is coded with verilog high description language. Verilog code is synthesized and simulated using Xilinx-ISE 12.2.

Authors and Affiliations

S. Surya Prasad Guttula, B. Ratna Raju, G. N Swamy, K. Padma Raju


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S. Surya Prasad Guttula, B. Ratna Raju, G. N Swamy, K. Padma Raju (2012). Implementation of Multinomial Standard Product for RSA State Identify Algorithm. International Journal of Research in Computer and Communication Technology, 1(5), -.