
This scientific article is dedicated to finding out whether the task of the justice could be considered as a component of the “spirit” of law and whether the novel of procedural codes is possible to be considered as a mechanism of appeal to the “spirit” of law, due to the idea that the court and the participants of the trial must be guided by the tasks of the justice, and this tack prevails over any other issues in the trial. After analyzing scientist researches and practices of European court of justice, the conclusions are as follows. First, the opportunity to apply such tasks of justice as fair, impartial, and timely; consideration of the case and its solution for the effective protection of rights and opportunity to use these tasks in a prevailing position over other considerations appeal to the “spirit” of law. Second, norms to use tasks of justice in a prevailing position are entirely an appeal to justice, the establishment of truth, the application of the rule of law, and the spirit of law. Third, this norm is an attempt of the legislator to introduce a mechanism of applying the “spirit” of law. After analyzing the exceptions of norms to use tasks of justice in a prevailing position in different proceed cods of Ukraine, we have the following conclusions. Exceptions of this norm in Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and in Code of Administrative Proceedings of Ukraine are a temporarily precautionary measure in connection with the specifics of regulation of these branches of law and the probable risks of using the “spirit” of law in countries with young democracy and high level of corruption. Taking into consideration the absence of experience in Ukraine in the application of the “spirit” of law, it is logical to temporarily postpone the application of norms that place tasks beyond other considerations in order to avoid abuses that could lead to violations of human rights. As a general conclusion – appeal to the “spirit” of law in time when the level of corruption in Ukraine is high enough should be very careful so as not to turn into arbitrariness.

Authors and Affiliations

Anastasiia Anastasiia Ulasevych


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  • EP ID EP480450
  • DOI 10.18523/2617-2607.2018.49-54
  • Views 87
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How To Cite

Anastasiia Anastasiia Ulasevych (2018). IMPLEMENTATION OF SPIRIT OF LAW MECHANISM IN NEW PROCESSUAL CODES. Наукові записки НаУКМА. Юридичні науки, 0(), 49-54.