Implementation of the multicenter programme of the evaluation of progress in rehabilitation of children in the age 0– 48 months

Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 4


[b]Introduction: [/b]There is plenty of research regarding the impact of cochlear implantation on the auditory and linguistic competence development, but they are not focused on the rehabilitation process of the particular skills in time. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the development of auditory and linguistic skills of the children with the cochlear implant at age 0–4-year-old as compared to normally hearing children. [b]Material and method ology:[/b] It is a multicenter study with prospective recruitment of CI users between 0–4-year-old. Integrated Scales of Development was used as a tool to assess the progress of hearing and speech rehabilitation. It outlines the typical levels of the development in the areas of listening, receptive and expressive language, speech, cognition and social communication. Patients were included in the study after the first switch on session. The observation was performed at intervals every 3 months till the 18th month of child's life and later on half yearly to 4th year of child's life. [b]Results: [/b]This article presents the multicenter observational prospective research protocol as well as preliminary data from the first 40 children with cochlear implant. [b]Conclusion:[/b] The development of auditory and linguistic competence of implanted children with profound hearing loss is comparable to the children with normal hearing according to the ISD.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Bieńkowska , Renata Antoniuk, Jolanta Antosz, Barbara Bednarska, Elżbieta Błońska, Alina Butkiewicz, Małgorzata Chłopecka, Maria Gawłowska, Urszula Kasperska-Jachimiak, Izabela Kowalik, Grażyna Krupa, Joanna Kuśmierczyk, Helena Liwo, Magdalena Magierska-Krzysztoń, Teresa Meyer


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Katarzyna Bieńkowska, Renata Antoniuk, Jolanta Antosz, Barbara Bednarska, Elżbieta Błońska, Alina Butkiewicz, Małgorzata Chłopecka, Maria Gawłowska, Urszula Kasperska-Jachimiak, Izabela Kowalik, Grażyna Krupa, Joanna Kuśmierczyk, Helena Liwo, Magdalena Magierska-Krzysztoń, Teresa Meyer (2013). Implementation of the multicenter programme of the evaluation of progress in rehabilitation of children in the age 0– 48 months. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny, 2(4), -.