Implications of Arbitration and Mediation Implementation from the Perspective of Bialystok
Journal Title: Optimum. Economic Studies - Year 2016, Vol 83, Issue 5
In the era of progressive economic and trade cooperation at a national and international level, the number of disputes related to them is increasing. Statistics overviewing the activity of Polish courts dealing with proceedings in commercial cases confirm the fact. The development of alternative disputes resolution instruments, in particular regarding arbitration and mediation, gives rise to hope for remedying the situation. At the moment their scope is of little significance related to the entirety of legal transactions. Moreover, there are areas virtually devoid of them. The Podlaskie region is one of such areas. Recently, collaboration of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Bialystok and the Faculty of Law of University of Bialystok resulted in the launch of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Podlaskie region. As a part of the project, mediation services were commenced and further steps to launch the Eastern Court of Arbitration were taken. It seems that the undertaking can bring satisfactory results for socio-economic trading. The assumption will be possible to be verified in practice in the nearest future.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Perkowski
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