Importance of Country-of-Origin on Different Product Categories Purchase Decision

Journal Title: Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych - Year 2017, Vol 26, Issue 4


Country of origin is an important factor in product evaluation process as well as for purchase decision. Its importance depends on the amount of information consumers have about the product and product category. This paper investigates the importance of coutry of origin in purchase decision-making process for three different product categories: high risk and high level of consumer involvement in purchasing process (car), medium risk and midium level of consumer involvement in purchasing process (TV), and low risk and low level of consumer involvement in purchasing process (confectionery products). Also, this paper investigates importance of country of manufacturing for purchase decision-making process in relation to country of origin’s importance. Research was conducted on 215 respondents from Belgium and Republic of Croatia. Results have shown that country of origin is important only for car purchase, but not for TV and confectionery products. For all product categories, country of origin has been shown to be more important in the decision-making process than country of manufacturing.

Authors and Affiliations

Zoran Krupka, Darija Arežina


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  • EP ID EP250893
  • DOI 10.14611/minib.26.12.2017.11
  • Views 74
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How To Cite

Zoran Krupka, Darija Arežina (2017). Importance of Country-of-Origin on Different Product Categories Purchase Decision. Marketing Instytucji Naukowych i Badawczych, 26(4), 35-54.