Importance of promoting quality of life of elderly people under the influence of globalization
Journal Title: EKONOMSKI VJESNIK / ECONVIEWS Review of contemporary business, entrepreneurship and economic issues - Year 2019, Vol 0, Issue 1
Today, globalization is perceived as a world without borders. Everything that is being created has started to reflect globally. Precisely because of this, globalization has multiple effects on the aging processes, increasing the age of the population, and this paper discusses the quality of life, including the predictors that become indispensable segments of dignified aging. The application and theoretical contribution of the paper is manifested in providing constructive guidance that is driven by the social dimension of all the stakeholders involved in the process of creating better conditions in decentralized homes for elderly and infirm persons.
Authors and Affiliations
Silvija Hinek, Ivana Stanić, Jadranka Škarica
PRIKAZ ZBORNIKA RADOVA SA KONFERENCIJE „7. međunarodni znanstveni simpozij Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske – vizija i razvoj / 7th International Scientific Symposium Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth“
Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku je sedmu godinu zaredom organizator Međunarodnog znanstvenog simpozija Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske – vizija i razvoj koji se je održavao od 24. do 26. svibnja 2018. godine na Ekonomskom fak...
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