Improved quality control of welded joints
Journal Title: Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Технічні науки - Year 2018, Vol 31, Issue
In this work, the magnetic field was reconfigured to control the suture. A computational model with a layout scheme for the horizontal and vertical magnetic fields of the seam bead with reference to the Cartesian coordinate system is proposed. The magnetic charges for a given welding roller are calculated. The topography of the defect field on the surface of the butt weld has been estimated. The results of the calculation of the tangential component of the field of convexity of the weld are obtained when the object is magnetized at an angle to the surface by the primary. The results of theoretical and experimental studies have shown high consistency, it is established that when the object is magnetized simultaneously perpendicular and parallel to its surface, the tangential component of the field The convexity of the seam is skew-symmetric, reminiscent of a sinusoid. The change in the convexity parameters of the weld does not change the field in the plane of its symmetry.
Authors and Affiliations
Olexsandr Mazheyka
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