Improvement of Public Service Satisfaction in the Majalengka Regency Local Government through the Implementation of E-Government-Based Policies
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 04
In order to improve public service satisfaction, this study will investigate and examine how e-government-based services have been implemented. The Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 concerning the National Policy and Strategy for the Development of e-government is referred to as the “e-government-based implementation". This study uses quantitative research methods with analytical techniques carried out descriptively and verification. In accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2003 concerning National Policies and Strategies for e-Government Development, KEPMENPAN Number 63 of 2003 regarding General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Services, and Laws-Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services, research demonstrates that the Majalengka Regency Government has institutionally implemented e-government-based services. Other findings show that e-government services have a high level of accuracy, effectiveness and efficiency in providing services, because e-government-based services are considered effective in minimizing the error rate in the service process. However, the achievement of e-government-based services in Majalengka Regency is still faced with various challenges, especially those related to the support of facilities and infrastructure, technology support and network stability as well as the support of human resources as managers.
Authors and Affiliations
mplementation of E-Government-Based Policies
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