Improvement of the system of material resources of the Armed forces of Ukraine


The article on the basis of conducted by the analysis of the functioning of the system of material resources of the Armed forces of Ukraine proposed to improve system of rear, technical and medical support of the Armed forces of Ukraine and creating of a single effective logistics system of the Armed forces of Ukraine, as a system for managing material, informational and human flows on the basis of their optimization. The logistics system should provide the opportunity centralized and decentralized management of material resources and be able to participate in the leadership of the defense of the nation. Effective functioning of the system of material resources affects the timeliness and completeness of funding for the needs of comprehensive troop contingents (forces). Reform of the Armed forces of Ukraine provides introduction of electronic accounting systems of material and technical resources of supply class of NATO, bringing volumes of emergency ration of material facilities in accordance with the real needs for these funds.

Authors and Affiliations

Volodymyr Kyvliuk, Iurii Gannenko


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  • EP ID EP472346
  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.1231404
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How To Cite

Volodymyr Kyvliuk, Iurii Gannenko (2018). Improvement of the system of material resources of the Armed forces of Ukraine. Journal of Scientific Papers “Social development & Security”, 2(4), 49-52.