In acute experiments on rabbits there were studied changes in oxygen tension in the intestinal wall tissues, acid-base balance and limited proteolysis and its inhibitors in intestinal venous blood, protective action of L...
The aim of the work was assaying motivational aspects of senior pupils’ career guidance. Today the emotional focus of young people is pragmatic: material and personal well-being, the ability to survive in modern society,...
Суточный профиль и вариабельность артериального давления у пациентов с АГ в сочетании с ХОБЛ. Потабашний В.А., Фесенко В.И., Буртняк Т.З. На сегодняшний день, несмотря на усовершенствованный поход к ведению больных с АГ...
Availability of various healthy food products in the student’s diet and conscious student’s choice represents the best way of prevention of the alimentary and alimentary-associated diseases, preservation and promotion of...
Research objective was investigating arterial wall stiffness in patients with hypertension at young age and assessing the relationship between subclinical target organs damage and ambulatory blood pressure monitori...
L-lysine escinat, thiotriazolin, gordox and mydocalm influence on oxygen tension in the intestinal wall and acid-base balance and limited proteolysis in intestinal venous blood in terms of intraabdominal hypertension modeling
In acute experiments on rabbits there were studied changes in oxygen tension in the intestinal wall tissues, acid-base balance and limited proteolysis and its inhibitors in intestinal venous blood, protective action of L...
The particularities of senior pupils’ professional self-determination at up-to-date world
The aim of the work was assaying motivational aspects of senior pupils’ career guidance. Today the emotional focus of young people is pragmatic: material and personal well-being, the ability to survive in modern society,...
Добовий профіль і варіабельність артеріального тиску в пацієнтів з АГ у поєднанні з ХОЗЛ
Суточный профиль и вариабельность артериального давления у пациентов с АГ в сочетании с ХОБЛ. Потабашний В.А., Фесенко В.И., Буртняк Т.З. На сегодняшний день, несмотря на усовершенствованный поход к ведению больных с АГ...
Hygienic assessment of frequency of consuming food products of animal origin in the diet of medical students and rationale of ways of its correction
Availability of various healthy food products in the student’s diet and conscious student’s choice represents the best way of prevention of the alimentary and alimentary-associated diseases, preservation and promotion of...
Arterial wall stiffness in patients with essential hypertension at young age
Research objective was investigating arterial wall stiffness in patients with hypertension at young age and assessing the relationship between subclinical target organs damage and ambulatory blood pressure monitori...