In vivo and ex vivo impact of nutritional xenobiotics – acrylamide and sodium nitrates – on plasma antioxidant properties

Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2019, Vol 73, Issue


INTRODUCTION: The thiol (SH) groups present in human blood plasma play an important role in the oxidative/antioxidative homeostasis of the organism. They are susceptible to the adverse actions of different exo- and endogenous factors. Chronic exposure to different xenobiotics, e.g. nitrogen-containing compounds commonly occurring in food, is especially important. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of acrylamide (ACR) and sodium nitrates (SN) – (V) and (III) – on the plasma antioxidant properties, as reflected by changes in the SH group levels. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The concentration of SH groups was measured by Ellman’s method in blood plasma derived from 62 young people (in vivo model; time t0), and after 1 hour of blood plasma incubation with appropriate ACR and SN (III) concentrations (ex vivo model; time t1). The concentrations used corresponded with their daily intake (DIA – daily intake of acrylamide, and DIN – daily intake of sodium nitrates (V) and (III), respectively), estimated on the basis of a nutritional questionnaire. RESULTS: In both models, acrylamide and nitrates caused a significant decrease in SH group concentrations, but ACR induced stronger changes. The women consumed a greater amount of these nitrogen-containing compounds compared to the men, probably due to their different dietary habits. CONCLUSIONS: The obtained results indicate that these nitrogen-containing xenobiotics are important agents lowering antioxidative plasma potential, hence their intake should be controlled.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Rorbach-Dolata, Ewa Żurawska-Płaksej, Zofia Marchewka, Agnieszka Piwowar


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  • DOI 10.18794/aams/108959
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How To Cite

Anna Rorbach-Dolata, Ewa Żurawska-Płaksej, Zofia Marchewka, Agnieszka Piwowar (2019). In vivo and ex vivo impact of nutritional xenobiotics – acrylamide and sodium nitrates – on plasma antioxidant properties. Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 73(), 154-162.