Inclusion of preferences of real estate potential buyers in the space management process as a stimulation of improvement of safety in the urban space
Journal Title: Acta Scientarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 1
The main tasks for spatial planning under the Planning and Spatial Management Act include preservation of spatial order and sustainable development. The spatial order in cities is evaluated as unsatisfactory. Space is designed by qualified specialists, but frequently without taking into account users’ preferences as to its shape. The Planning and Spatial Management Act imposes an obligation to include social participation into the spatial planning process. The application of results obtained through heuristic methods can provide one of the instruments enabling implementation of this task. The status of spatial order is related to spatial safety, which consequently affects sustainable development. During the survey, a method of ranking was used, where the surveyed evaluated for their space of residence, apart from the feeling of safety, the presence of such features as access to social infrastructure, easy commuting and convenient shopping. Afterwards, selected features were examined using the method of direct comparison with the spatial safety feature, in order to demonstrate the importance of features for respondents in terms of the choice of the residence location. The results obtained during the research indicate that an important element determining the choice of the place of residence is the state of spatial safety. Attempts should be made to improve the spatial order in order to improve safety, which will consequently contribute to the preservation of sustainable development.
Authors and Affiliations
Małgorzata Gerus-Gościewska, Dariusz Gościewski, Agnieszka Szczepańska
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