Income from economic activities of local self-government against the interwar legal solutions
Journal Title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 3
The study takes up the problem of income from economic activities of local self-government units in Poland. Its direct goal is to analyse and evaluate selected legal solutions that address issues of income from economic activities of local government – solutions being currently in force and those established in the Second Republic of Poland. Closely related with these issues is the matter of the acceptable scope of those economic activities: during the Second Republic of Poland l.g.u. practically had total freedom in the field of local economy available – today it is different, because the legislature established prohibitions and restrictions relating to the economic activities of the l.g.u. extending beyond the area of public utility. Additionally, during the Second Republic of Poland interesting institutions have been functioning – municipal savings banks. Today they operate in many European countries (eg. in Germany). For unknown reasons – such banks does not currently exist in Poland.
Authors and Affiliations
Bartosz Kołaczkowski, Małgorzata Ratajczak
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