Increased rates of vaccination among healthcare workers through cause-directed solutions: a state hospital example (Nedene yönelik çözümlerle artan aşılanma oranları: ikinci basamak hastane örneği)
Journal Title: Turk Hijyen ve Deneysel Biyoloji Dergisi - Year 2018, Vol 75, Issue 2
Objective: It was observed in our hospital in the 2013-2014 period that the need existed for the education and motivation of the staff about seasonal flu vaccine (SFV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) vaccinations.This study was performed to evaluate the success obtained with the solution to the problems related to immunization that were previously uncovered in our hospital. Methods: Data of this study were retrospectively collected from the 2015 and 2016 records of the Infection Control Committee (ICC). During the mentioned period, the ICC performed educational activities regarding the objective, benefits, adverse effects and risk groups of SFV and HBV vaccinations and screening tests, including face-to-face interviews, if necessary. Motivational interviews were conducted with staff who were afraid of the injection. After these activities, serolologic tests for HBV and hepatitis C virus (HCV) were carried out on personnel. HBV-sensitive staff were administered a triple vaccine, and their antibody reponses were monitored. A 2015-2016 SFV was administered. Participants’ age, gender, occupation, department of work, HBV serology outcomes, screening test and reasons for not desiring vaccination with SFV were recorded. The data of the study were transferred to SPSS IBM 22.0 statistical software, and a p<0.05 level was considered statistically significant. Results: The level of participation in the study was calculated as 84.3%. The median age of the personnel was 30 (21-61) years, with 137 (54.2%) being women. A total of 198 (78.3%) staff underwent the investigations asked. Thirty-five (17.7%) of the participants were found to be HBV sensitive, 148 (74.7%) vaccinated and 15 (7.6%) natural immunized. The median value was found to be 787.62 IU/mL (10.86-1000 IU/mL) in the participants with positive hepatitis B surface antibody identified. Of the sensitive personnel, 32 (91.4%) were vaccinited for HBV, and reponse to vaccination occurred in all of them. In 55 (21.7%) personnel who rejected being screened, the most common reason for not desiring investigations was determined to be “having no time” (47.3%). Thirtysix (14.2%) participants were administered SFV, and the most common reason for not having SFV was reported as ‘having no time’. Conclusion: In this study, it was found that the rates of SFV vaccination slightly increased, while HBV vaccination targets were substantially achieved with the necessary personal education and motivating activities performed. Besides, it was determined that personnel may participate in vaccination with a large proportion if awareness is raised through screening investigations, and educational activities could be effective for increasing the rates of vaccination.
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