Independent Contributions of Upper Extremity Variables in Free Throw Shooting Accuracy from Multiple Positions: a Pilot Study in College Basketball Players
Journal Title: Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 1
Physical factors play an important role in basketball free throw shooting success. This study aims to analyze the factors associated with success when shooting from different positions. Twenty-four college basketball players were assessed for upper extremity length, muscle strength, vertical jump height and reaction time, and hand reaction time. Five shooting positions (A–E) were located 4.54 m from the basket at angles of 45° around a semicircle. Shooting success was recorded as a percentage. The relationships between variables were analyzed with Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis was performed to determine the contributions of the assessed physical factors to shooting success. The following factors contributed to the success rate: hand length, left palmar grip strength and left hand reaction time from A; left palmar grip strength, left shoulder extensor strength and vertical jump reaction time from B; left elbow extensor strength and left hand reaction time from C; right wrist extensor strength, body mass index, left shoulder external rotator strength, and left hand reaction time from D; and forearm length, left elbow extensor strength, and left wrist extensor strength from E position. Left elbow extensor strength, left hand reaction time, and vertical jump reaction time contributed to the total free throw success rate. These results of this pilot study demonstrated the important relationships between upper extremity extensor strength, grip strength, vertical jump reaction time, hand reaction time, and free throw success.
Authors and Affiliations
Gözde GÖR, Hasan Erkan KILINÇ, Çiğdem AYHAN, Volga BAYRAKÇI TUNAY
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