Indications for Caesarean Section Among the Antenatal Cases Admitted In a Tertiary Care Hospital of Kollam, Kerala

Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Research Professionals - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 5


Objectives: A rising trend in caesarean section in modern India is a matter of concern for the health system. WHO recommends an ideal caesarean section rate of 10-15%. But in a literate state like Kerala the trend stands out in alarming rates. Hence this study is done to find out the factors leading to Caesarean section in our state. Methods: This is a retrospective cross sectional study done in a tertiary care hospital of Kerala. A total of 739 deliveries happened in the year January 1st 2015 to Dec 31st 2015, of which 441 (59.68%) were caesarean delivery. Data was collected from the medical records department (secondary data). Study was done using a pre structured questionnaire which included questions to estimate Incidence rate of caesarean section, Rate of various indications, Role of maternal age, parity, extreme weight of the baby. Secondary data from the medical records were filled into the questionnaire by the investigator itself. Data was entered into Microsoft excel sheet and was analysed using SPSS 16. Results: Major indication for a Caesarean delivery was previous history of CS (41.7%).This could be avoided through vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC). Other reasons for indications were failed induction (20.2%), foetal distress and cord prolapse (14.3%) and maternal GDM (13.2%) and PIH (10.9%) and cephalopelvic disproportion 12%. Conclusion: The major indication was previous caesarean section, as we see in almost all studies across India. This vicious cycle needs to be put to a stop which is possible only if Caesarian section is undertaken only after careful consideration and when the obstetric risks outweigh those of the procedure itself.

Authors and Affiliations

Vincy Nelson, Rakesh P S, Sony Simon, Amruthavani A K, Arjun Ganeshan


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  • EP ID EP547284
  • DOI 10.21276/ijmrp.2017.3.5.001
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How To Cite

Vincy Nelson, Rakesh P S, Sony Simon, Amruthavani A K, Arjun Ganeshan (2017). Indications for Caesarean Section Among the Antenatal Cases Admitted In a Tertiary Care Hospital of Kollam, Kerala. International Journal of Medical Research Professionals, 3(5), 1-5.