Individualization of anticancer therapy; molecular targets of novel drugs in oncology

Journal Title: Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 0


Deregulation of cellular signal transduction, caused by gene mutations, has been recognized as a basic factor of cancer initiation, promotion and progression. Thus, the ability to control the activity of overstimulated signal molecules by the use of appropriate inhibitors became the idea of targeted cancer therapy, which has provided an effective tool to normalize the molecular disorders in malignant cells and to treat certain types of cancer. The molecularly targeted drugs are divided into two major pharmaceutical classes: monoclonal antibodies and small-molecule kinase inhibitors. This review presents a summary of their characteristics, analyzing their chemical structures, specified molecular targets, mechanisms of action and indications for use. Also the molecules subjected to preclinical trials or phase I, II and III clinical trials evaluating their efficiency and safety are presented. Moreover, the article discusses further perspectives for development of targeted therapies focusing on three major directions: systematic searching and discovery of new targets that are oncogenic drivers, improving the pharmacological properties of currently known drugs, and developing strategies to overcome drug resistance. Finally, the role of proper pharmacodiagnostics as a key to rational anticancer therapy has been emphasized since the verification of reliable predictive biomarkers is a basis of individualized medicine in oncology.

Authors and Affiliations

Katarzyna Regulska, Beata Stanisz, Miłosz Regulski


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How To Cite

Katarzyna Regulska, Beata Stanisz, Miłosz Regulski (2012). Individualization of anticancer therapy; molecular targets of novel drugs in oncology. Advances in Hygiene and Experimental Medicine, 66(0), 855-867.