Indonesia's Efforts to Achieve Globally Competitive Human Resources


Awareness of the increasingly tight business competition map of industry era 4.0 has made many business organizations in Indonesia busy preparing themselves, particularly those related to the development of human resources, to be ready to compete in the global era. Many global companies with diverse business units have made human resource development a key strategy for dealing with global competition so as not to be drowned by the changing of times. Concerns about the readiness of business organizations in Indonesia to compete in the global era are quite reasonable and cause the leaders of companies to be under pressure due to the rapid technological advances, demographic pattern shift, economic change to the science base, and increasing drive to innovate. This indicates that every company is required to have a high commitment in preparing and building competitive human resources as well as maintaining its best talented employees in various programs and strategic policies supported by the work culture that reflects the company’s big vision to be realized. This qualitative research uses primary data by interview and observation method to 40 respondents, and utilize secondary data with the aim to improve performance and talent development of company employees.

Authors and Affiliations

Ahmad Zafrullah Tayibnapis, Lucia Endang Wuryaningsih, Radita Gora


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How To Cite

Ahmad Zafrullah Tayibnapis, Lucia Endang Wuryaningsih, Radita Gora (2018). Indonesia's Efforts to Achieve Globally Competitive Human Resources. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 7(8), 1-6.