Induced breeding and larval rearing of Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton, 1822) under the agro-climatic conditions of Meghalaya, India

Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2019, Vol 11, Issue 2


Monopterus cuchia is a fresh water eel widely distributed in Nepal, Myanmar, Pakistan but predominantly available in Bangladesh and North East Region of India. The population of the species has been declined in its natural habitat to a great extend due to various environmental and anthropogenic factors. So far no report was available regarding artificial propagation of the species M. cuchia, especially from India. Hence it is necessary to develop an induced breeding protocol by standardized doses of synthetic hormone for artificial propagation of the fish.Thus, an experiment was set up for induced breeding of the species using synthetic hormone, Gonopro-FH. After hormonal administration (Gonopro-FH), brooders were released into specially prepared ponds and spawning was natural and spontaneous. During the period of analysis, fecundity of M. cuchia was calculated as 924 eggs (length= 78cm, weight= 344 gms). Induced breeding was successful using Gonopro-FH and the final dosage was 1ml/kg body weight to the female along with 0.3ml/kg body weight to the male. Final fertilization percentage was 75-80% and hatching percentage was 80-85%.

Authors and Affiliations

Barisha Mary Kurbah, Rabindra Nath Bhuyan


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  • EP ID EP588682
  • DOI 10.31018/jans.v11i2.2083
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How To Cite

Barisha Mary Kurbah, Rabindra Nath Bhuyan (2019). Induced breeding and larval rearing of Monopterus cuchia (Hamilton, 1822) under the agro-climatic conditions of Meghalaya, India. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 11(2), 429-435.