Industrial hemp grown in remediated land used for energy 

Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 10


Biomass is an energy feedstock which, unlike fossil fuels, contributes no additional CO2 amounts to the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide emitted during combustion of biomass is absorbed during the plant growth. The research results show that 1 hectare (ha) of hemp assimilates approximately 2.5 t of CO2. Hemp is characterized by high biomass yield reaching even 15 t/ha.  

Authors and Affiliations

J. Mańkowski, P. Baraniecki


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How To Cite

J. Mańkowski, P. Baraniecki (2014). Industrial hemp grown in remediated land used for energy . CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek, 68(10), 901-904.