Ineficiența regimului politic turcesc: „Radiografia“ Partidului Justiției și Dezvoltării
Journal Title: Sfera Politicii - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 1
After a paved way towards democratization over the last decade, the inconsistencies of the Turkish reforms and the escalating “authoritarian“ trends awake the interest of political analysts. Why is Turkey unable to hurdle the ongoing political and economic blockades? This analysis aims to provide an intrinsic vision of the political patterns and complex Turkish realities, taking a closer look to domestic factors that will help provide an answer to the question above. In extenso, the article is designed to highlight the scanty management applied by The Party of Justice and Development which places Turkey in a stasis period, deprived of democratic measures and indices.
Authors and Affiliations
Iulia Medveschi
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The Sphere of Politics Debates at „Petre Andrei” University of Iaşi
Funcția de informare a media în procesul de setare a agendei politice
Review of: Julie Sevenans, „The Media’s Informational Function in Political Agenda-Setting Process“, în The International Journal of Press/Politics, vol. 22 (2), februarie 2017