ÎNFIINŢAREA SECŢIEI DE POMPIERI MILITARI ÎN TECUCI / The establishment of the military firefighters' section in Tecuci
Journal Title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 11
In the nineteenth century, Tecuci was a town hard tried by fires that threatened the prosperous affairs of merchants and the life of the entire community. Fire prevention measures taken by the City Hall shaped the city starting from buildings to people's behavior in public. Over time, the fire extinguishing technique evolved in Tecuci from the use of cumbersome manual pumps, which needed periodical repairs after big fires, to the use of self-pumps. A dynamic situation that can evolve violently, fire binds firefighters to be forces themselves. The Firefighters’ Inspectorate sees to the training of its military personnel through various methods, but the model of behavior closest to the troops is the commander. Lieutenant Vlad Radu proved to be a model leader for the Tecuci firefighters through his work with them and through the solutions he proposed to the city for saving fire victims and transporting them to medical units.
Authors and Affiliations
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