Influence of anesthesia techniques of caesarean section on memory, perception and speech.
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2014, Vol 19, Issue 2
In obstetrics postoperative cognitive dysfunctions may take place after caesarean section and vaginal delivery with poor results both for mother and child. The goal was to study influence of anesthesia techniques following caesarian section on memory, perception and speech. Having agreed with local ethics committee and obtained informed consent depending on anesthesia method, pregnant women were divided into 2 groups: 1st group (n=31) had spinal anesthesia, 2nd group (n=34) – total intravenous anesthesia. Spinal anesthesia: 1.8-2.2 mLs of hyperbaric 0.5% bupivacaine. ТIVА: Thiopental sodium (4 mgs kg-1), succinylcholine (1-1.5 mgs kg-1). Phentanyl (10-5-3 µgs kg-1 hour) and Diazepam (10 mgs) were used after newborn extraction. We used Luria’s test for memory assessment, perception was studied by test “recognition of time”. Speech was studied by test "name of fingers". Control points: 1 - before the surgery, 2 - in 24h after the caesarian section, 3 - on day 3 after surgery, 4 - at discharge from hospital (5-7th day). The study showed that initially decreased memory level in expectant mothers regressed along with the time after caesarean section. Memory is restored in 3 days after surgery regardless of anesthesia techniques. In spinal anesthesia on 5-7th postoperative day memory level exceeds that of used in total intravenous anesthesia. The perception and speech do not depend on the term of postoperative period. Anesthesia technique does not influence perception and speech restoration after caesarean sections.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Volkov
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